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5 Affordable Healthcare Tips That Will Change Your Life

  Healthcare is something I’m thinking more and more about these days. I’m not the sprightly 22-year-old I once was and now I don’t just worry about my health but my husband’s too. As an acupuncturist by day, I see the effect of poor health management and the toll of high healthcare costs every day and it breaks my heart. I don’t wish that stress on anyone. But there’s so little information on ways to combat the rising price of healthcare that we just sit back and keep paying. Here are some affordable ways to save on necessary medical costs…

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Eat Out Less

A Month of Dinner Recipes for Families on a Budget

Growing up I did not have a Suzy Homemaker mother who taught me my grandmother’s secret dinner recipes or how to separate the yolk from the egg white. The extent of my cooking experience came from the instructions on the back of the Chicken Voila bag in the freezer section. In college, I became a vegetarian but I was more than satisfied eating dinners of Steam-in-Bag vegetables and fake meat corn dogs (honestly better than real corn dogs.) But when I got married and we decided to pay off our debt I knew I had to learn my way around…

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