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Community Acupuncture

How to Find Affordable Acupuncture Near You

As a licensed acupuncturist and personal finance writer, sometimes I'm given confused looks as the two seemingly don't coordinate. But as many of you will know who read my blog and hang out with me on Facebook Live, acupuncture school is how I racked up all my debt and the primary way we paid it off. So when I had the opportunity to write about affordable acupuncture when I was interning at The Penny Hoarder it was my two worlds perfectly colliding. I've been practicing for about five years and have seen acupuncture work wonders in people. When people ask me…

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Vulnerability And Financial Health

Why Vulnerability is the Key to Financial Health

Whether you have money in the bank or no penny to your name, if you're committed to being vulnerable you will have good financial health. I kept my debt and indulgent spending in the dark for a long time. The shame and guilt of my financial mess overwhelmed me to the point of anxiety. So I hid it for years. I listened to Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University when I was halfway through college. I had no clue about budgeting, credit, and debt until that course. Unfortunately, I had $25,000 in debt and another $25,000 to go. I wasn’t ready to…

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Best Summer Ever

Countdown to Student Loan Freedom – 120 Days to go

We’re putting 59% of our total income toward achieving student loan freedom. Want to see the budget we’re using and how we’re spending the other 41%? You’re in luck. When I say we paid off $53,000 of student loan debt in a year people are flabbergasted. They think it’s awesome but they always have an excuse as to why they can’t do it. “My loans are three times as much as yours.” “I have a kid, I can’t work any extra hours.” “I literally can’t think about my loans, it gives me anxiety.” We don’t have lucrative jobs, we didn’t…

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