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Best Frugality Books

17 Books to Read After The Total Money Makeover

Shortly after I started my blog, I read The Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires & The Middle Class by Keith Cameron Smith. I loved it so much I reviewed it and it became one of my most popular pins on Pinterest. In 2017 I got into entrepreneurial books. It was necessary because I had no clue how to run a blog, much less get paid for all the time I put into it. Now that I have a slight grasp on the direction of the blog I want to get back to my first love, personal finance. I was recently…

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The Baby Steps Explained, And Why They Work!

These are the steps that introduced me and my husband to what financial independence is and for that I am eternally grateful. But a lot of important considerations get looked over if you just find a list of the steps and start crackin. The articles circulating the web are from two camps: Dave Ramsey people, who are relentlessly devoted to the man, and people on the other side, who do math. My goal is to neutrally answer the question: What are The Baby Steps? The Baby Steps, outlined in the book The Total Money Makeover, are the foundation of personal…

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