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Shows To Watch On Netflix

23 Series to Watch on Netflix When You’re Trying Not to Spend Money

My favorite way to not spend money is Netflix + Chill. Many a night have my husband and I weighed the option of going outside or staying in and watching TV. We’ve never paid for cable in our marriage so our options are limited to the Netflix account we share with our friend Jessica. Hi Jessica! Paying off debt is more than working side jobs and saving money, it includes what we do for fun too, because you can’t (and shouldn’t) turn that part of yourself off for 2+ years. Netflix isn’t the most productive use of your time but…

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Best Frugality Books

17 Books to Read After The Total Money Makeover

Shortly after I started my blog, I read The Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires & The Middle Class by Keith Cameron Smith. I loved it so much I reviewed it and it became one of my most popular pins on Pinterest. In 2017 I got into entrepreneurial books. It was necessary because I had no clue how to run a blog, much less get paid for all the time I put into it. Now that I have a slight grasp on the direction of the blog I want to get back to my first love, personal finance. I was recently…

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Budget To Pay Off Debt

How To Improve Your Budget to Pay Off Debt

Making your first budget to pay off debt can be scary. It’s not as simple as assigning percentages because every person's finances are different. But the results are in and budgeting is a necessity to achieving your financial goals. Sure you can get by without a budget but you won't get ahead without one. My husband and I have been budgeting together since before we got married and it's set a foundation for us to be able to pay off over $64,000 over 18 months. There are a ton of methods, spreadsheets, printables, etc. to create a budget, but I…

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Ways To Do A No Spend Challenge

How to Use a No-Spend Month to Improve Your Finances

Completing a no-spend month can do more for your finances than save a few dollars in your bank account. I used them to get my spending under control and discover what I truly value and enjoy spending money on. I have a hard time playing by the rules, even if I’m the one making them. I’m either completely methodical or completely impulsive. So when I make a budget I either spend nothing, because I feel guilty or I ignore it and spend money willy nilly. That’s why I needed an “all or nothing” way to dive in and learn how…

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Myth Of Moderation

Why the Myth of Moderation is Keeping you in Debt – And How to Get Out

You’ve heard it said “Everything in moderation.” Like your brain will just know when it’s achieved maximum moderation and you'll be fine. Who actually achieves their ideal of moderation? I know a lot of people who think their addictive or impulsive personality means they can’t do moderation. While there’s something to be said for how genetics and personality affect the purchases we make, overspending and impulsive spending are problems for everyone, regardless of personality type. The idea that moderation must be organically practiced is a myth. Moderation is a skill that takes building and refinement. There are actual steps you…

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14 Times Drake Was Basically Telling You: “You Can Do This!”

In this journey to pay off debt we could all use a little extra motivation. And I could totally throw you a bunch of Tony Robbins quotes (which I admittedly do on my Instagram) but there's someone else who just gets it. Drake. He's not only my music of choice at the gym (other than Despacito) but also a wise sensei with some nuggets of sage wisdom that are directly applicable to millennials paying off debt or saving for a house. So from the mouth of the man who popularized the term YOLO, comes some of the greatest motivational quotes…

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Debt Free Stories: Kyle & Jeanette Paid Off $55K in 16 Months!

I started Saving With Spunk with the selfish intention to stay motivated through our debt payoff journey. And nothing motivated me more than hearing other people’s debt-free stories. I troll Instagram for these stories. I am personally horrible at social media but Kyle and Jeanette from Living to be Debt Free are some of my favorites. They live in Grand Blanc, Michigan with their two-year-old daughter, Lindsey and another bb on the way! Kyle and Jeanette just finished paying off $55,000 in student loan debt in 16 months on a starting income of $100K that dropped to $91K due to…

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Ways To Do A No Spend Challenge

9 Ways to Customize a No-Spend Challenge to Kick Start Your Financial Goals

Completing a No Spend Challenge can do more for your finances than keep a few dollars in your bank account. Which of these 9 ways to do a No Spend Challenge is right for your financial goals? We’re on the cusp of paying off $78,000 of debt in less than two years. I’ve incorporated No Spend Months a few times over the course of our journey, usually after a big budget flop. I’m really bad at moderation. I’m very all-or-nothing, which has made it easier to commit to paying off our student loans but also makes me a horrible budgeter.…

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