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No Spend Month

Is Being Debt Free Worth it?

I had a great talk with Millennial Money Man yesterday and my favorite piece of advice he gave me was to “write what you’re passionate about.” It took me literally five seconds to think of the one thing I’m really passionate about right now: Getting out of debt. A lot of people don’t understand why we’re doing this. They’re living great lives with money in the bank, shiny cars in the driveway, all with a six-figure negative net worth. So why would I deprive myself in my 20’s, the “best” years of my life, to sacrifice 60% percent of our monthly…

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Buying A Car While In Debt

7 Important Things to Remember When Buying a Car While in Debt

You may find yourself in a place where buying a car while in debt is a necessity. Here are some important things to remember when making your decision. In 2014 I had over $50,000 in student loan debt, a job that would never make me more than $50,000 in a year and a busted car. I hadn’t planned on needing a new car for a few more years so my savings were not enough to pay cash and I was stressed from having to find rides and knowing how much this new car was going to cost me. I cringe…

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Emergency Fund Tips

Tips to Help You Fund (and Keep) Your Emergency Fund

Everyone who’s ever had an emergency will tell you money is key to making good decisions. We make bad financial decisions when we're broke and desperate. That’s why having an emergency fund is vital to starting any personal finance journey. We currently keep a mini emergency fund of $1000 while we’re paying our debt and so far it’s worked out great. Now we have a five-month emergency fund because we're debt free! But it’s hard to save, hard to know how much to save, and hard to avoid the temptation of $1000 sitting in your bank account screaming to be used.…

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Marriage And Money

3 Habits for Blissful Money Matrimony

As of this month my student loan has a 1 in front of it. That started as a 5! I realize I couldn’t have done this without my amazing [frugal] husband. Through this journey, I am constantly reminded how important it’s been to be on the same page with our finances. Our shared goals and vision for the future have made the hard months bearable and the pitfalls easier to climb out of. By the time I met Travis I’d seen more couples divorce in my age group than I want to count. It was so significant to me that…

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Budget Myths Debunked

Budgeting is a B Word – Budget Myths Debunked

Everyone I talk to about debt tells me “I know, I need to get on a budget.” In my head, I’m like “duh!?!” But the truth is, I remember what it’s like to be single on a 36K income staring 60K of debt in the face. It’s horrifying, overwhelming, and seemingly impossible. So I just ignored it. I let the interest pile up and said I just can’t do this. Flash forward two years and the budget is a vital part of my life. I am by no means a master budgeter and I’m always the one that ends up…

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Survey Sites Worth Trying

Make Extra $$$ With These 10 Seasonal Jobs

I’m trying to wake up earlier. I keep reading about really successful people and they all wake up before the sun. I’m not that ambitious but my alarm did go off at 7 on my day off so I’m feeling pretty confident so far. It only get’s harder when Daylight Savings ends in November and I’ll be up before the sun even if I sleep in. Then throw in the exhaustion of the holidays... yikes. Holidays are hard; I can’t imagine them with kids. But they are also the easiest time to make extra cash. Waiting tables, delivering pizzas, putting…

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5 Single Bloggers Who Paid off Massive Amounts of Debt

When I was single I was convinced there was no way I could tackle my debt on my own. Heck, I didn't even think I could do it when I got married. But my husband and I have since paid off $78,000 of debt and we did it in less than two years. I hear all the time about people, women especially, who think they can't pay off their debt for one reason or another... or ten reasons. I lived at home for 2 years after college under the guise that I was paying down my student loans but all…

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11 Steps to Avoid Burnout When Paying off Debt

The key to avoiding burnout while paying off debt is to reinvigorate your motivation. Here are 11 ways you can stay motivated and energized to avoid burnout when paying off debt. 1. Work With Purpose The first step to any journey is identifying the destination. It’s no different in becoming debt free. But debt freedom isn’t the destination. It’s an essential stop along the way, but understanding that there’s life after debt is imperative to making it out of debt and staying there. What’s your purpose for getting out of debt? Ours is to have career and lifestyle freedom. We…

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3 PSL Hacks for the Frugal Pumpkin Spice Lover

See what I did there? PSL, Pumpkin Spice Lover? Okay, more reason for me to keep my day job. But seriously, I love the pumpkin spice latte. How else would we know it’s fall here in Florida without the return of the PSL? I remember waiting for Labor Day, knowing that the time was near. Standing in the 90-degree heat, wearing a scarf that served no purpose, holding that orange drink in my hand, knowing coffee shouldn’t be that color but not caring at all. It’s a magical time. But coming in at $5.30 for a Grande the PSL is…

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10 Free Activities

10 Free Activities For Couples Paying off Debt

When my fiance told me he wanted to pay off his student loan debt as fast as possible, my short answer was "NO." The little voice inside my head kept reminding me of all the things I'd miss out on if I couldn't spend money. It's not that I didn't want to pay off my student loans. In grad school, my plan was to have them paid off before I turned 30. But somewhere along the way the compounding interest and dinners out with friends paralyzed me into thinking it simply couldn't be done. So when I [finally] got on…

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