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Blink Health Review – How to Find Legit Cheap Prescriptions

Prescriptions can be costly and oftentimes unavoidable. They can take a tight budget and squeeze every last penny out of it. In my Blink Health review, I look at a company that’s trying to fight the status quo by the numbers. Having a surprise sickness while you’re paying off debt is not fun. Not only do you miss out on work and lose out on income, but the cost of doctor visits and prescriptions adds up fast. I see myself as a pretty healthy millennial. I’m not stressed, I eat a primarily plant-based diet, and I do Crossfit 3 times…

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Blanket With Coffee

55 Minimalism Quotes That Perfectly Illustrate Less is More

I needed these minimalism quotes a lot today and I’m sure there are others out there struggling who need a reminder about why less is more and the freedom that comes once you burrow out from beneath your stuff. As I sit here and look at the closet that I’ve been meaning to clean out for over a week, I need some motivation to remind me why this minimalism thing is so important. Related Posts:  The Best Minimalism Challenge (Even for my Hoarder Husband)The Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe Planner for a Closet You’ll Love How to Simplify Your Life to Spend LessTips…

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Your Net Worth vs Liquid Net Worth (& Why You Should Care!)

If you’re like many people, you’re looking to get a handle on your financial life this year. This is a great goal to have because like anything else, until you have a clear understanding of where you are, it’s hard to improve.  But finances can be confusing and you may not know where to start. I get it! To sort through everything and try to figure out where to focus can be overwhelming. Even learning the jargon can feel like you’re learning a foreign language. Don’t worry, you don’t have to conquer it all at once. Instead focus on learning…

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I Picked Out My Own Engagement Ring at a Pawn Shop

If there’s one thing I love almost as much as my husband, it’s getting a sweet deal on something I was going to buy anyway. While I’ve always been averse to parting with my paycheck, I’m not the most responsible with my money and I never considered myself frugal until recently.  But through paying off $78,000 in debt, I know for sure I married the most frugal man I’ve ever met. There are a lot of ways to save money. Here are some of my favorites: Open a high-interest savings account at Axos Bank to get your emergency fund making…

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200 Frugal Living Tips & Ideas For Busy People

These are the frugal living tips that helped me go from habitual impulse spender to conscious consumer. I wasn’t naturally frugal. I was $54,000 in debt, making about $35,000 a year, and spending every cent of my paycheck at restaurants, Starbucks, and Target. When I got married my husband and I made a five-year plan to pay off our debt. Once we stopped spending carelessly and found out what we wanted in life, we paid off a combined $78,000 in less than two years, without a six-figure income. Now that we’re debt-free we stopped working overtime but we’ve continued to…

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How to Stop Spending Money on Unnecessary Things

It’s one thing to make a budget, it’s a whole other thing to stick to it. In a recent study of 25,000 people, it was determined that 36% of the people were living paycheck to paycheck and 19% of people were spending more than they made and racking up more and more debt each month just to survive.  Managing your money is just one of the important keys to building wealth.  If you’re like some of the statistics and your budget keeps getting busted on habitual spending I’ve got 16 tips to help you stop spending money on unnecessary things.…

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